Site Tour: Island

Thursday 29 February 2024 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Site Tour: Island

All event fees are listed net of VAT.

Island is an intelligent 100,000 sq ft post-pandemic workplace, designed by Cartwright Pickard for HBD and the Greater Manchester Pension Fund, currently under construction on John Dalton Street.

The pandemic reshaped our perceptions of work, with significant proportions of the workforce migrating to a hybrid working pattern involving both home and office. Others will set themselves up in third spaces, such as gyms and coffee shops. Island is the first building in Manchester designed to reflect these changes and provide a blended environment that suits the aspirations of future occupants. It is also a building that takes positive climate action, designed to achieve net zero operational energy, BREEAM Excellent, WELL-enabled, with a NABERS 5* target.

Join us for an in-depth look behind the scenes of Manchester’s first next-gen workplace, led by architects Rob Phillips and Jessica Spencer. We will explain the design strategy behind Island, as well as the innovation that drives the MMC approach, façade design, and sustainability.

Members and Non-Members of all genders are welcome to attend.

Ticket price includes a hot drink.

Please note. The attendance fee for this event attracts VAT (listed prices are inclusive of VAT).

Registration Deadline: Monday 26 February 2024

The booking deadline for this event has now passed.
Please contact with any enquiries

Event Contact: Events Team

Regional Sponsors
HLR Consulting Logo Cuckoo Design Logo Harley Haddow Logo

National Sponsors