There are various reasons for a mentoring relationship not working well, from personality differences to simply pressure of time. It is important to remember that the mentor/mentee relationship is purely voluntary and neither is under any obligation to continue it. So a mentoring relationship should include a 'no fault divorce' clause. If either individual wishes to terminate the arrangement she should contact their local Branch Mentoring Ambassador who will arrange for the mentee to be introduced to a new mentor.
Sharing the learning
Confidentiality is an essential element in the management of a successful mentoring relationship. At the same time feedback is an important part of managing an effective mentoring scheme, in order to provide the most appropriate support and structure. Women in Property is planning to introduce an annual feedback and review process, by asking mentors and mentees to complete a simple, non-attributed questionnaire.
Who do I contact for further information?
If you would like further information about how Women in Property mentoring works, please contact your local Branch Mentoring Ambassador.
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