CPD Accredited: R&D Tax Relief in the Design & Build Space

Wednesday 08 February 2023 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

CPD Accredited: R&D Tax Relief in the Design & Build Space

All event fees are listed net of VAT.

Are you and your business getting the right tax relief for Research & Development?

There is a widespread issue across the construction and property sector which is resulting in many companies being unaware of and therefore underclaiming or not claiming tax relief for research and development.

It is generally thought of as being included in ‘typical returns’, but in reality, in most cases this is not correct. Most commonly, a lack of knowledge of a complex process (which is not widely publicised), results in difficulty in identifying if effort spent is for the resolution of an “every day” problem and an “R&D” one – the chances are your business is carrying out R&D without realising it or claiming the benefits.

During this online session, we will:

  • talk about tax relief for research and development
  • look at the associated processes
  • discuss solutions for current issues

There will be opportunities to ask questions during/at the end of the presentation.

This webinar is kindly provided by Catax.

Registration Deadline: Monday 8 February 2023

This event is CPD accredited

The booking deadline for this event has now passed.
Please contact booking@womeninproperty.org.uk with any enquiries

Event Contact: Events Team

Registration Closed




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