All Party Parliamentary Group - Women and Work

The Women and Work All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG), Co-Chaired by Gillian Keegan MP and Jess Phillips MP, is a cross-party group that provides a Parliamentary forum to examine constructively and debate the role that policy makers can play to deliver gender balance within the economy.  It also allows Members of Parliament and interested stakeholders to examine the responsibilities of employers and to explore what more is required from the private, public and third sectors to deliver the Government's ambitions for women and work.

Women in Property is an active participant of the APPG, the only representative organisation from the property and construction sector.  We have attended the forum both at the Houses of Parliament, and virtually and responded to calls for evidence which have been referenced in the resulting annual reports.    Speakers are agreed and invited by the Co-Chairs in advance.   Specific reporting areas are agreed, with calls for evidence requested by the Co-Chairs.

Over the past few years, these have included Wellbeing in the Workforce, Inclusivity and Intersectionality and The Impact of Covid-19 on Women in the Workforce.

The APPG is an important and valuable two-way communications route, allowing business and industry to express concerns and issues and propose proactive solutions for some of the most pressing gender-related issues currently being experienced. Click here for further information and links to the APPG reports.

National Sponsors