Tuesday 18 June 2024 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
All event fees are listed net of VAT.
Join the Yorkshire branch of Women in Property for this wellbeing seminar with Heart Research UK's Workplace Health & Wellbeing Specialist Amie Leckie.
Heart disease is not just a man’s disease, women are dying needlessly every day. Heart disease is HER disease.
23,000 women die from coronary heart disease every year in the UK.
Twice as many women in the UK die from coronary heart disease as breast cancer, with some 830,000 women living with coronary heart disease.
This informative webinar will empower you to take charge of your heart health and educate you to proactively take steps to prevent the development of coronary heart disease. The session will cover some shocking statistics relating specifically to women and heart disease, the signs and symptoms to look out for and most importantly detail various ways you can reduce your risk of developing the disease.
This inspirational session is sure to leave you feeling inspired to prioritise your physical health and make positive changes towards a healthier lifestyle.
The booking deadline for this event has now passed.
Please contact booking@womeninproperty.org.uk with any enquiries
Event Contact: Events Team
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