Charity Sweatworking with Empire Fighting Chance

Thursday 22 February 2024 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM

Charity Sweatworking with Empire Fighting Chance

All event fees are listed net of VAT.

This event is hosted in coordination with Forum for the Built Environment.

The event will start at Empire Fighting Chance boxing gym with a one hour boxercise class where we will be paired up and coached by  Empire's fantastic coaches.

We will then hear from some of the Empire coaches about the incredible outreach work that Empire do in the local community and also be treated to breakfast pastries and a coffee from Extract Coffee Rosters.

There will be plenty of opportunity to network (or 'sweatwork', while at Empire!) with other attendees and showers will be available at Empire after the boxfit session if required.

 Members and Non-Members of all genders are welcome to attend.

Please note. The attendance fee for this event attracts VAT (listed prices are inclusive of VAT).

Registration Deadline: Tuesday 20 February 2024

The booking deadline for this event has now passed.
Please contact with any enquiries

Event Contact: Events Team

Regional Sponsors
Atkins Realis Logo Hydrock now Stantec Logo Mace Logo

National Sponsors