Wednesday 23 October 2024 7:45 AM - 9:30 AM
Hugh James Solicitors, Two Central Square, Cardiff CF10 1FS
All event fees are listed net of VAT.
Join Women in Property South Wales Branch for a breakfast presentation by Ecoprod Technique Limited who offer consultancy on all things water!
Professor Jacob Tompkins OBE will discuss the following topics which will help property managers/owners/developers to better understand water and develop a water strategy :
We will also hear about the consultancy services and product solutions that Ecoprod can provide.
This event is being held at the prestigious Hugh James Solicitors Headquarters in Cardiff with tea, coffee, fruit juice, bacon rolls and pastries being provided. Arrival from 7:45am for a 8:15am start.
Members and Non-Members of all genders are welcome to attend.
The booking deadline for this event has now passed.
Please contact with any enquiries
Event Contact: Events Team
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