Site Visit – Newport Transporter Bridge

Tuesday 11 July 2023 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Site Visit – Newport Transporter Bridge

All event fees are listed net of VAT.

Join Women in Property South Wales for a site visit of the Newport Transporter Bridge – a jewel of Newport's history!

Built in 1906 to connect the town with the industries that were clustering east of the river, the Newport Transporter Bridge is one of only six transporter bridges that remain in use worldwide.

Kindly hosted by Rupert Perkins and John Perkins Construction, the site visit will include networking with pastries/tea & coffee from 08:30am followed by a site visit starting at 09:00am of this transformation project with restoration works and the new visitor centre.

Led by Newport City Council, learn about how the project will deliver essential restoration works to the bridge, along with a brand-new visitor centre which will turn the bridge into a major tourist attraction. The centre will also host facilities and community spaces that will house activities and programmes such as theatrical performances and art exhibitions.

There are only 15 spaces available so be sure to book early!

Please bring your own PPE and comfortable shoes.

Registration Deadline: Friday 7 July 2023

The booking deadline for this event has now passed.
Please contact with any enquiries

Event Contact: Events Team

Fully Booked




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