CPD Accredited Site Study: Prince Charles Hospital, Merthyr Refurbishment Scheme

Friday 12 January 2024 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

CPD Accredited Site Study: Prince Charles Hospital, Merthyr Refurbishment Scheme

All event fees are listed net of VAT.

Join Women in Property South Wales for a site visit of Prince Charles Hospital, Merthyr. The £130 million project involves a multi-phase modernisation of the hospital for long-term suitability. Works began in 2017 and will likely finish in 2026. Remarkably, all phases are being executed whilst the hospital remains fully operational.

Kindly sponsored by Gleeds, the site visit will include networking with tea/biscuits from 1pm and the tour to start shortly after, hosted by Nicola Jones and Charly Short of Gleeds.

The two initial phases have successfully concluded; the kitchens, main restaurant, a barista coffee shop, repositioning of the pharmacy department to the ground floor and various infrastructure enhancements. Phase 2 will establish new facilities for various departments including Theatres, Maxillofacial, Physiotherapies, Endoscopy, Pathology, Transfusion, Outpatients and Radiology, along with works to roofs, atriums, two main entrances, hydrotherapy pools, new plant rooms, infrastructure works and updates to the car parks.

Attendees to bring their own full PPE as only a small amount available on site.  Boots must be worn (no dress, heeled shoes, daps or trainers).  Members and Non-Members of all genders are welcome to attend.

This event is CPD accredited – 2 hours

Please note: The non-member attendance fee for this event attracts VAT.

Registration Deadline: Monday 8 January 2023

The booking deadline for this event has now passed.
Please contact booking@womeninproperty.org.uk with any enquiries

Event Contact: Events Team

Fully Booked




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