CPD Accredited: Panel Discussion – The impact of the new EPC Regulations

Thursday 25 May 2023 8:00 AM - 10:15 AM

CPD Accredited: Panel Discussion – The impact of the new EPC Regulations

All event fees are listed net of VAT.

From April 2023 all commercial properties leased has needed an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of ‘E’, and by 2025 all residential rental properties will need an EPC rating of 'C'.

Join us at Blick Rothenberg’s fully accessible offices to discuss the impact of the current and future EPC legislation, and the repercussions for landlords and what they need to do to address the new guidelines.

Heather Powell, Partner at Blick Rothenberg, will outline the results of the firms’ recent survey which asked about the level of awareness amongst landlords, and how they were planning to address the new requirements.

Suzanne Gill, partner at Wedlake Bell, will talk about the legislation, exemptions, and the rights of landlords – as well as the penalties they will face if they do not comply with the legislation.

Chris Strathon, a Senior Director at JLL who leads the Specialist Valuation Team will talk about what landlords can do to improve their assets, the costs involved and potential impacts on valuation.

There will be an opportunity to ask questions of the panel and enter into discussions with audience members who are also addressing these issues.

Refreshments and breakfast will also be included. The event will start at 8:00am with the Panel Discussion from 8:30am to 9:30am, finishing at 10:15am

Members and non-members of all genders and welcome to attend.

CPD accredited: 2 Hours

Registration Deadline: Monday 15 May 2023

The booking deadline for this event has now passed.
Please contact booking@womeninproperty.org.uk with any enquiries

Event Contact: Events Team

Registration Closed




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