Solent Christmas Party & Wreath Making

Wednesday 04 December 2024 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Clockwise, Mountbatten House, Grosvenor Square SO15 2JU

Solent Christmas Party & Wreath Making

All event fees are listed net of VAT.

Join Women in Property Solent for a festive wreath making workshop, followed by refreshments and networking.

RHS Chelsea Gold Medalist and judge, Pip Bensley, will be giving us an in-person tutorial at this Christmas Wreath workshop.

Pip will talk us through the creative process and teach us the techniques needed to make a fabulous wreath which you can then proudly display on your front door, just in time for the festive season!

The workshop is likely to be for 2 hours - all materials for making your wreath are provided and refreshments will be available throughout.

After you have finished making your wreath, drinks and pizza will be provided, whilst we network and admire each other’s handywork.

This is a very popular event so sign up quick so you don’t miss out!

Members and non-members of all genders are welcome to attend.

Thank you to Taylor Wimpey, i-Transport and Dice Environmental for sponsoring!

The booking deadline for this event has now passed.
Please contact with any enquiries

Event Contact: Events Team

Fully Booked




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