Tuesday 23 May 2023 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
All event fees are listed net of VAT.
Event No. 1 in our Highland and Islands Net Zero Series
Transport accounted for 35.6% of Scotland’s total greenhouse gas emissions in 2018. As part of the path to net zero, the Scottish Government has committed to reducing car kilometers by 20 per cent by 2030.
So, sustainable travel is about more than electric cars and electric buses, but how can we reduce reliance on cars in a diverse area like the Highlands?
The Highland Council declared a Climate and Ecological Emergency in 2019 and is committed to reducing the carbon impacts from travel within the Highlands. It has ambitious plan to encourage active travel (walking, cycling and wheeling) and to increase use of public transport. The Council also working to reduce carbon emissions from its own vehicle fleet.
Come to hear from The Highland Council’s Craig Baxter, Sustainable Transport Team Leader and Roslyn Clarke, Transport Climate Change Co-ordinator about these plans and find out how they will affect your work and life in the Highlands.
This is a hybrid event and is available to attend either in person (click here to attend in Person) or via Zoom.
Members and non-members of all genders are welcome.
This event is CPD accredited 1.5 hours
Registration Deadline: Monday 22 May 2023
The booking deadline for this event has now passed.
Please contact booking@womeninproperty.org.uk with any enquiries
Event Contact: Events Team
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