Wednesday 14 February 2024 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
All event fees are listed net of VAT.
Join Siobhan Davitt of ADP Architecture and Women in Property as we are guided through a tour of this iconic building.
Granton Station is a £4.75m project led by City of Edinburgh Council to restore and adapt the B-listed former Granton Gas Works Railway Station, a landmark building that sits at the gateway to the Granton Waterfront Regeneration area.
Disused as a station since 1942, the new facility will deliver a 600m2 creative hub offering affordable, high quality workspaces, co-working desk spaces, a gallery/workshop space and meeting room provision, set in a newly landscaped public realm and outdoor events space.
This event is open to all members and non-members, with limited availability (15 places) – early booking is advised.
Please note lunch will not be provided, so please have an early lunch or bring a packed lunch.
Members and non-members of all genders are welcome.
Please note. The attendance fee for this event attracts VAT (listed prices are inclusive of VAT).
Registration Deadline: Sunday 11 February 2024
The booking deadline for this event has now passed.
Please contact with any enquiries
Event Contact: Events Team
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