Wednesday 18 May 2022 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
All event fees are listed net of VAT.
Spring is here and we hope the sun will come back out! So we are very pleased to continue with the series of informal face to face ‘Netwalking’ events in both Edinburgh and Glasgow, to connect, get some fresh air and enhance our wellbeing away from our computer screens.
Please note lunch is not included, so bring a sandwich for lunch or come early and get something in the park.
Edinburgh Netwalk – The Meadows, starting point Boroughloch Walk Entrance, opposite Victor Hugo’s at 13.00
Glasgow Netwalk– Glasgow Green & the People’s Palace, starting point the People’s Palace Main Entrance at 13.00
The walks will have a maximum of 10 people per group in both Glasgow and Edinburgh and spaces will be on a first come first served basis, so please book as soon as you can.
Registration Deadline: Tuesday 17 May 2022
These events are kindly sponsored by Bennetts Associates.
The booking deadline for this event has now passed.
Please contact with any enquiries
Event Contact: Events Team
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